Saturday, December 22, 2012


But at midnight,Paul and Silas were praying and singing hymns to God,and the prisoners were listening unto them"...Acts 16:25.
Times do come,circumstances do appear and situations arise when in our lives,many things seem questionable;one of which is the presence of God in our lives. Times when things seem not to work in our favour,disappointments approach us at every opportunity and failure stands like a close friend;times when the sky seems grey and night seems so long and down within us as we earnestly desire for the appearance of the day even if it would just be for a moment. Times when though we have many people around us but there appears to be a sense of loneliness within. The Biblical promises of providence and protection suddenly seem like a story that wasn't meant to be real and ones spirituality suddenly becomes shallow. Such times are periods that one can describe as the midnight of one's life(i.e the darkest time before day break) when things just don't work the way we desire it to be despite prayers and fastings. To make matters ugly,you cannot really figure out why,since your conscience seems right or pure before God. Many in the scriptures experienced this. David faced such a situation but the scripture recorded that he had to encourage himself while still holding on to God inspite of the ugly situation as he held to God proclaiming his allegiance irrespective of what he was going true. The apostles went through the same but they chose to hold on for they knew the king of kings would step in and help. Many were forced to even hold on even if God won't step in. The good news available is that God does come in when we least expect him.(Daniel 3:25) Times without number in those difficult moments;He is always around but the thoughts of the problems on board make it difficult to see him but if we care to,we can make his presence strong by showing him that regardless of the situation,we will still put our hope in him,praying and singing for the strength to carry on. We can choose to sing,praise or talk of his goodness in the unpalatable situation that we find ourselves in just like lifting his banner in a strange land,then He will see that "our love is genuine" and is constant at all times when things are favourable and when they are not. That is when He suddenly shows us that He loves us more by stepping big into our difficult moments.(phil 4:6). During hard times,let us learn not to grumble(though it is not easy to do so),complain or argue or abandon(give up) or feel bad or speak against God but let us learn to sing,talk ,praise and thank him for what He promised in his words concerning us with respect to our situations and believing in him that He is right with us;ready to put things into shape in his own way and at his own time.(Ecclei 3:11) Though certain circumstances/situations seem irreversible(i.e death of a loved one,operations that claim certain body parts or certain deformations that arise due to certain accidents) but when we avoid complaining and learn to put our trust in him thanking him in/for all things,He does what seem impossible;standing in for every vacuum in our lives and letting us see that He is all that we need. "LET US SING THE MID~NIGHT SONG.

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