Tuesday, June 04, 2013


Once more, Jesus addressed the crowd and said...I am the LIGHT of the world. He who follows Me will not be walking in the dark but will have the LIGHT which is LIFE...........................Darkness is a very horrible thing to behold. Nothing tangible can be done in darkness. Nothing good, worthwhile, remarkable and glorious can be done in a state of darkness. Interestingly, darkness had existed since the beginning of beginnings. In the beginning, the earth was without form and void and darkness was on the face of the deep. Before the beginning began, the TRINITY had existed. God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit were at attention in the Spiritual realm before the beginning began so when darkness appeared on the face of the deep, the Holy Spirit began to hover upon the waters and God spoke Light into existence. Jesus being the creative force in the trinity and the WORD Himself created Light. It is interesting to note that everything else in the universe were not created until Light was created. In the New testament, Jesus introduced Himself as the Light of the world. The new testament...precisely the gospel according to the book of John also introduced Jesus as the WORD of God. So we can say that the word of God is the true Light. The word of God is Light indeed. The amount of God`s word in you is directly proportional to the Light you will carry,exhibit and show forth. In our present day, we have the candle light, lantern light, bulb light, fluorescent light, flood light etc. The difference between these sources of light is seen in the intensity of their illumination. At new birth, a believer has a measure of light but with time, the intensity of the light will increase/decrease in direct proportion to the depth of the word of God in that believer. Light is needed to conquer and overcome darkness at all times. Darkness manifest itself in lives as poverty, sicknesses, sorrow/depression, barrenness etc and the only solution to all of these is SUFFICIENT LIGHT as that light shines in darkness and darkness cannot comprehend or understand it. If you are experiencing any form of darkness in any area of your life, all you have to do is to follow Jesus who is the authentic LIGHT and the LIGHT is the word of God. When you locate as many words as possible that deals with the form of darkness you are passing through and you speak those words directly to your circumstance...in no time you will start to see a measure of light shinning to illuminate the dark spots. In the prophetic scripture for today, it is written clearly that the LIGHT is LIFE. This is very true because if God`s word of healing which is Light shines in a sick body, the Light will of a necessity give life to that sick body. If God`s word of prosperity shines bright in a poverty-stricken vessel, The Light will of necessity give life to that poor vessel. Also, if God`s word of fruitfulness shines in a barren life, the Light contacted from the word will birth fruitfulness to the recipient of the word. So also is the Light of Peace,Success,Joy,Favour,Marital Fulfillment etc which is contractible from the word of God. In the beginning, when the Light which gave rise to various lights was created, all other creatures/creations of God came into existence and the earth became a haven of beauty having escaped the horror of darkness. The good news that I have for you today is that Christ Jesus is our true Light in this time and season and as you make up your mind to follow Him whole-heartedly by giving attention to His words...every iota of darkness in your life will give way to His Light and your life will consequently attract beauty,glory,pleasantness and peace in Jesus precious name. Shalom!

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